Friday, June 1, 2012

A blue truck took me here

It is strange how more materialistically privileged one is, the more buildings and garbage that surrounds them. The most underprivileged have the best surrounding to live in, the best landscape to boast about.  These lines might not make an impact or even make any sense unless you experience it firsthand.

I have walked the filthy streets of Bandra and the breathtaking emptiness that is Danushkodi, both these places will extract a heavy toll if you want live there, but at the end only one will make you rich in a way you will never realize, the other will simply leave you empty.  One will take everything from you and help you find yourself; other will give you everything and make you lose yourself and your true identity.
The ruins from the 1964 hurricane

There are no concrete buildings here, all that protects the simple fisher folk from the endless wind is a thatched hut. Here the kids learn to count with the stars, they learn to fish before they walk. There is no electricity, no cellular network and no buildings here. There is simply nothing here. The endless empty expanse is strikingly beautiful.

Danushkodi village

Land here has decided to mimic the sea. The undulating dunes and faultless flats, to me it seems like the sea was frozen into solid earth by a whimsical god - One extending into another uninterrupted. The land and sea both acts like puppets in the hands on the endless wind, which rules this world absolutely. We humans will always be an outsider here... we will always be at the mercy of the elements here, a mere spectator and sometimes the victim of the constant war that is waged between the elements.  There are very few who can call this place home. Six hundred strong settlements in Danushkodi have some amazing tales to tell. Go find them, hear them out, if you can take time off from the busy schedule and see what it feels like to live on the other side of the line, on the other side of where your reality ends.

Thank you Jasdeep, you are an awesome travel companion. Cheers .
 Meetu thank you for this trip.