Monday, February 10, 2014

The Longing

still feeling numb
I wish I could tell her
I wish she would see it
the longing for a simple gesture
a smile, I would drown out the world for
a caress, a lingering kiss
I' ve fallen for that which cannot be
I've fallen so far I cannot see
this bitter sweet moment
etched for ever in me
she is my Ithaca my destination
forever lost forever striving
I am happy to have known her
to have held her hand, laughed with her
listened to her voice talking about summer dreams
winter haze, of endless things in a side walk cafe
where the world ceased to be
I could never tell her
she is the one, always been
never will I want to loose her

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ashes and Earth

the pyre has lost its warmth
the sparks have drifted away with the eastern winds
the funeral bells have fallen silent
the mighty gods above have been pleased
the offerings the deeds the silent prayers
done and blazing sun sets the western sky aflame
the numbness sets in
pain swiftly fading away
the emptiness fast enveloping
groping around in darkness
trying to find my ground
edge of conscience is bound by her laws
nature has her way
tearing away another soul
the ashes gently floating on the wind swept surf
all I have are the memories

Dedicated to Mani in loving memory.