Tuesday, May 31, 2011


The strings that once were
Tugging at the remaining strands
Fighting to break free to spread my wings
To get the first taste of freedom
I paid a heavy ransom

The strings that once were
Running from the web to stay out of reach
To stay pure to stay clean
How much will I lose?
How much will it cost?
This race this never ending run
Away from shackles away from chains
Which when once around,                     
To its every call I should beckon, I am bound
Like a slave like a dog
Waiting to please the master
But I know no master I bear no shackles
And never will I live for another
Let the world be damned
And its rules burn in hell

With the strings broken
All that remains is my sanity
A few meager possessions
But there is hope there is light
And there is a way to win this fight

Rise and snap the chain and rope
This is a war song to inspire hope
A battle cry to all you brave souls
Fighting your personal battles
Don’t you give up, let them not see you cry
Grind you teeth and take the beat
Coz we have nothing to loose
But a life to live

1 comment:

ila said...

The sweet land of freedom beckons... fly onward...