Thursday, December 18, 2008


Date 13/11/2008
Right now when I am writing this I am on a train to Pune beginning yet another journey but I am going to write about one that happened a few days back, the one which I embarked on, to find that joy and peace which comes only when you are alone. This time the journey took me to Nagarkoil and Kanyakumari. There are lotta interesting stories that made me take this trip. I’ll leave that for some other time. On the evening of 7th November I kinda bunked work for half a day wid out informing the GM, I am beginning to make it into an art form. I boarded a train, and guess what it was infested with cockroaches. They were every where, always scurrying about totally ignorant of my kind who were sharing their abode. They had a way to irritate even the laziest human into action and may be even laugh at his/her failure to vanquish the fellow roaches. There was always one to take the place of a dead comrade. They took particular interest in a Girl who I think has a phobia for cockroaches. Every two minutes she would jump and they yell real loud. I made a mistake I helped a damsel in distress and after that I think I became her knight in shining armour but exchange the sword for a can of HIT.
The girls family became really friendly and I figured out they are from Pune. Gave them directions told them they would have a great vacation. They got off at Madurai; my destination was Nagarkoil which I’ll reach at 3.30 am the next morning. Informed my co passengers to wake me up at Nagarkoil station. Went to sleep then I get a call at midnight and it was Roanna, I pick up the call and like wazzzzaaa and she says appy birthday. Only then it struck me that it was 8th November and my b’day it kinda completely slipped off my mind. Then a series of phone calls followed and lotta people wished me. Good all the more reason to celebrate. I was woken up in the morning by a considerate co passenger it was 3:15 in the morning of 8th of November and the train was early. I get off the train and I was greeted by lightning and the entire night sky was lit up. It was like Zeus himself wanted to welcome me and wish me. I walked bout 3.5 Km from station to the bus stand there I waited for the first town bus to Kanya which was at 5 am I had some time at hand so clicked some snaps had my morning chai made small talk with the locals the most striking thing about them was their language, it was Tamil in its purest form with a ring to it. Not that purity of a language makes it any better, but it definitely sounded great. There was something poetic about that language. A bus came in to the bus stand, voila it was the bus I needed to board. Took the bus and realized that the tickets on the town buses were dirty cheap. It cost me 6 bucks to travel the 18 odd kilometers. Half way to Kanyakumari it started drizzling, I realized I might not be able to see the sunrise from the horizon. Never the less I ran to the ocean on reaching Kanyakumari. Not that I was late, it was just that I was too excited to walk... and guess what the beach was packed with people. Man it was just 4.45 in the morning and there are already hundreds of thousands of people thronging on the beach to catch the glimpse of the famous sunrise from the southernmost point on the Indian mainland. But no one was venturing into the ocean. That was funny. I folded my pants up and ran straight into the beach... it’s an experience neither a hundred photos nor a million words can explain. I lost myself to the experience. Clicked a lotta snaps and made a fool of me in front of a lotta people. They must have been wondering wat the heck was I doing there alone on the beach and jumping around like a mad man. So much fun. Then came back to my senses went back ashore started looking for a room to stay. Realized people don’t give room to single men, apparently most of them end up doing stupid things. Like getting themselves killed. Still managed to get myself a room for a few hours, dumped my bag walked straight to the ferry jetty and took a ferry to Vivekananda rock. That place was beautiful, a huge chunk of rock surrounded by the ocean. There I acted like a sane tourist coz there nothing much for me to do there. Took a ferry back to mainland. The round trip on the ferry costs 25 Rs. And another ten to climb up the Rock. The architecture was astounding.
Once in back on mainland I wanted to have a good breakfast after all today is my b’day. Looked for the most expensive place ordered a typical south Indian breakfast with masala chai. While chatting up wid the waiters and the manager they asked me to visit Thiruparappu water fall some 75 Km away. But they were not sure of the amount of water as this was not the peak season. Then they showed me a pic of the water fall. Back to room I packed up a few things that I might need,took a bus to Vadacherri from there took another bus to Thiruparappu. The moment I land at Thiruparappu it started raining, and then starts the thunder and lightening. I was caught in a tropical thunderstorm for which Kerala is famous for. Tried to wait it out but got half drenched in the process. Didn't see a point in waiting then I started walking towards the falls in the pouring rain. All I could see was couple of houses scattered in the dense jungle all along the road. I saw a couple of semi wild elephants along the way to the water falls the mahout accompanying them asked me not to take snaps as the elephants might get wild. Listen to him I did. Reached the water fall and the rain increased its tempo. Ran straight in to the water fall fully clothed didn't even bother to change. The force was mind boggling I went numb for some time. Came out of the falls took some time to get bearings rite.
Explored the place around water fall and realized there has been a flash flood and all the surrounding places are flooded. So I decided to climb on top of the water fall. Man what a sight it is, this beautiful rubber tree forest surrounding the river and a small foot bridge right across the river. Hiked up to the footbridge figured out that there is a boating outfit where I can hire a boat. I hired this small two seater cycling boat (that’s wat I call it) it was for 50 Rs for 30 mins. Here I was in a middle of a forest in a river far from everything and everyone I know. I started to laugh, it’s this high to live life on your terms living and executing choices based on your whims. No one to explain to no one to convince. No questions no answers no plans no advance bookings no chains NOTHING.I for the first time felt completely liberated nothing holding me down. I shouted, did a small jig on the boat, careful enuf not to topple it. I can’t swim that well. Didn’t feel like coming out of that place. Felt at home.
From Thiruparappu took a bus to this place called thakalai and from there took another bus to Kanyakumari. Crashed into my room realized it was pavi’s and praj’s B’day on the 9th. Messaged pavi, tried calling praj knew she will not pick up my call. Tried anyways. With that done I went off to sleep had to get up at 5 am for the sunrise. This time I went to the watch tower to see the sunrise. Climbed on top of it and I realized I was the only one there and it was still very dark. Went bout clicking snaps in night mode. It had rained like mad the whole of last night. The sky as overcast. The sunrise goes for a toss... still i clicked some good snaps. Walked down and went back to my room at about 6.30 am. Then there is a knock on the door, I answer it. It’s the manager and he wants me to take a up a tour organized by his hotel. I realize I cannot take up the full tour offered by him. I opted to travel up till Padmanabapuram. I wanted to see this palace Nathan was talking about. But before that the driver takes us to Suchindaram temple. It was a beautiful place very intricate south Indian architecture. Was there for about 30 mins. Then we proceeded to Padamanabapuram Palace. There I spent the better part of the day lost in the splendor of that palace. I love buildings coz each has a story to tell, so far i have never seen a building like that. It was more than a building it was like a poem carved in wood and sculpted in stone. It was a very deep experience, I was moved from with in, some thing very sad must have happened between those old teak walls. Time seem to have done little to eraze the sadness.

Once out of that place I boarded a bus to Thakkalai then from there a bus to Nagarkoil. Once in Nagarkoil i booked into one of those run down lodges for a few hours. I had a train to catch the night. Caught on my sleep for a few hours and again boarded a bus to Kanyakumari. Didn't carry much with me this time. Went for a long walk on along the sea shore clicked a couple of good snaps. Felt real good, to be alone with ocean all for myself. After sunset i boarded a bus to Nagarkoil went to my room packed up my bags and got to the station just in time to board the train.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mojoooooooooooooooo...u r just tooo good...u r taking me to kanyakumari once am in India...!!! if u dont u r dead b4 u cud say dede...