Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sticky Notes

This is a note to self…hmmm maybe some sort of reminder, more than a blog entry. I started this blog, when ever that was to keep track of some of my journeys both with in and with out. Like a marker along the way (da….. obvious ). These are not turning points, needn’t even be important events. These are a record of events I enjoyed, experiences that moved me, simple joys of life and a record of things I have read. Yes this is a travel blog describing a different kind of journey. One most of us rarely take. Through the catacombs of thoughts, through green valleys through what ever life decided to throw at me and more importantly what ever I decide to embark on. These might not be coherent but then again what is? In all these years if there is one thing I have learnt and internalized then it is that ‘the only true worthwhile pursuit in life is the pursuit of life itself’

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