Thursday, October 13, 2011

Three letter solution to the five letter problem

This is not an attempt to mock any system of belief.

To begin with let me make it clear I don’t know what it means to have blind faith in a deity. Faith presupposes un-questionability. I used a prefix blind to make it plain to the modern reader who just like me might not know what faith is. Yet in life that is all we seem to seek. Faith in governance, in marriage, in our partners, in our gadgets and so on. Yet we are always let down, Trust me, even the iPhone can break down. Faith removes the uncertainty, which physics tells us is that foundation of our reality. Now this poses a problem. Life without faith seems empty. Imagine a life where faith cannot be a reality. If you cannot don’t worry and neither could I. That’s life without faith for you, inconceivable. Our very fabric of existence seems to have been woven around this thing called faith.

So how do we tackle this problem? We need to have faith in something or some being without which this life is apparently meaningless. But to place your faith in a being or a thing, let’s say, is like letting a three year old drive your expensive sports car. He might get it right in the straights but what about those tough corners or parallel parking. There is sure going to be a lot of dents and scratches. I guess this question might have popped in the minds of all the great and not great thinkers long back. There is no possible reality based solution. Everything that is real is also transient. That which lives dies, that which is built is destroyed. So we had to look beyond to place our trust and then faith. We looked into nature and there we found only dynamism, not the firm rooted concept with we seem to want to objectify. We wanted surreal properties, unquestionable characters.
The only possible solution to that seemingly unsolvable problem was to place your faith in a concept. This concept had to be fool-proof. All the kinks and possible problems had to be ironed out. So mankind went about creating extensive stories to create a hypothetical creature which is like man, so that we can associate with it, yet it rises above man in all aspects. This was a killer move. Now the concept becomes a shining beacon for mankind to follow and possibly evolve. However it seems thinkers overlooked one problem. They forgot there were other thinkers as well in the world, who thought about this problem in a similar manner. You can’t really blame them, the so called thinkers were spread across in time and space and there was no Skype or Gtalk available back then.
Fine, these concepts were developed. Faith in concepts came with its set of problems. One, it must be spread and second, it does not allow for existence of other concepts. With time and development of communication, concepts clashed. Mutual infidels clashed. We are still waging this battle.

One offbeat solution was spirituality, which tries to unify all these concepts together, with talks like different paths same destination and stuff. It works for some. But what about the masses who cannot look beyond the over simplified, objectified version?
There is no possible solution in sight for them. They are a dying race. For peaceful existence we have to let go the oversimplified concept and look for some sort of union or just simply perish. This involves mental work.

We have to somehow extract faith from our system and accept uncertainty as the eventuality of living. That is possible only if we can let go of the society and de-evolve (I had to make it up as there is no antonym for evolve). They were right when they tried to burn the first guy who discovered fire. It is the very knowledge which created this computer and urges me to write this piece, our greatest undoing. Uncertainty can be only experienced in our primeval form. Einstein was partly wrong when he said ‘god does not play dice’. There was no god to begin with but the dice were rolled.

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