Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The change

Somewhere while worrying about job security, EMIs, credit card bills, fuel cost, general inflation, deadlines, work stress, ever increasing waistline and ever receding hairline we forget to live, we forget the meaning of love, we forget the sacrifices people around us make to put a smile on our face. We have pretty much replaced real relationships with the virtual ones. Most of us are insecure, lost, and alone. We drive away people, even the ones we claim to love. We all are running, not knowing what we are running from and not knowing towards what.

If you’re trying to justify it to yourself that this article is not about you think again. Getting sloshed (or whatever other myriad form of self-deprecating act you involve in) on every off you get is not living it is just a way to evade all those unanswered issues.

It is sad when any relationship goes down the drain when a person doesn’t have the time for it. The price we are paying for this madness is pretty heavy and the toll it takes on us is pretty grim. Yet we do it. Even people, who seem above it all, fall prey to this killer syndrome of ‘trying’ to make things work, while never quite getting around to doing anything.

This madness has to stop; we need to wake up before it is too late. Before all is lost and our life becomes just another unlived dream and the people that were once a part of it have moved on. We need to take time off every now and then to understand ourselves better, try and live life on our terms, and recognise and appreciate the people around us. Respect them for who they are and understand not everyone is interested in running this mindless rat race. This is a simple change, but it can make a world of difference
Maybe after reading this, if you feel something, remember there is still some amount of humanity left in you and there is still hope. Go back and undo some of your mistakes, make a beginning, probably tonight you might find sleep without the help that glass of scotch…

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