Sunday, July 29, 2012

The rain song

And then she came, like the tears from heaven
Lamenting the parched earth
The first drop kicks up the dust
The bent stocks catching them on their brow
The sunbird perched high up on the fig tree chirping in joy
As she lashes on, soaking the ground
Earth runs red; the forest takes on brighter hue
Flame tree ablaze with their soft crimson fire
The cicadas have finally found their rhyme
The thrush has hit his happy note
She has sung life back into earth like a spell weaver
Her cloak has covered and nourished us
Standing out in the open with my arms spread
I am drenched in her eternal embrace


pareesa said...

loved it ppk :)

ila said...

creates such a wonderfully vivid picture in the mind's eye.. if only, the rain goddess could be coaxed to lift her grey veils for her forgotten lovers here..

Unknown said...

Amazing piece of writing PPK!! loved it